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© Arne Elofsson

SciLifeLab Logotype nbis Logotype
SeRC Logotype Stockholm University logotype EGI logotype


  • Topcons2 database updated (published 2024-05-17)

    The topcons2 database (prodres_db_nr100) has been updated to Pfam_36.0. Please use the latestd TOPCONS2 software or docker/singularity containers to run with the updated database.

  • Topcons2 database updated (published 2020-02-03)

    The topcons2 database has been updated to Pfam32.0. Please use the latestd TOPCONS2 software or docker/singularity containers to run with the updated database. The updated database is about 30% in size compared to the old database.

  • Set the maximum number of sequences per query (published 2018-09-13)

    To avoid the problem of extremely large jobs, we have set the maximum number of sequences per query to 50000.

  • is updated (published 2018-01-24)

    The dataset used in the paper has been updated

  • An HTML file is output the result folder for a complete list of the predictions (published 2017-06-16)

    We have added a new feature for the web-server so that a complete list of predictions of one job is output as an html file and included in the downloadable zip file.

  • TOPCONS is back to normal (published 2016-01-28)

    The transferring of virtual machines at FedCloud has been done. Now should be back to normal. All pending jobs in the queue will be run soon..

  • The computational node is under maintenance (published 2016-01-17)

    Due to the system maintenance of the computaional node for TOPCONS at FedCloud, multiple-sequence jobs and jobs submitted via WSDL will not be run. This problem will be solved in a few days. At the moment, please submit your jobs at the web page with one sequence a time.

  • Jobs stuck in the queue get running now (published 2015-08-24)

    Many jobs, especially jobs with multiple query sequences, have stuck in the queue due to failure of our computational node. All these jobs are revived and will get running soon. We have also implemented a better queueing system so that dead jobs due to, e.g. system rebooting, will be re-activated automatically when the system is back.

  • Frequent job submission failure problem is solved (published 2015-06-11)

    The TOPCONS web-server has experienced a problem recently that single-sequence jobs submitted from the web-page fail frequently. The problem was caused by randomly wrongly loaded virtual environment and it has been solved. However, you may still experience occasional job submission failure when the server is overloaded. If this happens, please try again in a few moments.